Tui Na / Acupressure

Tui Na, or acupressure, is a traditional Chinese massage. It uses a variety of manual therapeutic techniques to treat chronic pain, musculoskeletal conditions and stress-related disorders. Tui Na techniques can relax tense myofascia and tight muscle groups to reduce meridian blockages and promote Qi-Blood circulation.

People with the following conditions are not advised to undergo Tui Na:

  • Suspected fractures, strains, and injuries that are accompanied with radiculopathy
  • Tumours, tuberculosis and bone infections
  • Early acute joint sprains with severe swelling
  • Acute soft tissue contusions with severe swelling
  • Severe heart and lung diseases
  • Bleeding or blood vessel disorders
  • Presence of infected skin and wounds in the selected regions
  • Pregnant or menstruating women
  • Elderly people with weak constitutions or osteoporosis