TDP Treatment

Benefits of TDP treatment

TDP (acronym for Teding Diancibo Pu) can increased blood circulation, and remove blood stasis. Its thermal effects may help alleviating symptoms, such as muscle tension, stiffness or spasm, inflammation, swelling and pain.

TDP Treatment Process

TDP is preheated before use. The physician will then place the lamp 20-30 cm from treating area, maintaining a safety distance. Exposure time varies from person to person.

Uses of TDP treatment

TDP lamp has a wide range of clinical applications, most commonly, neck pain, back pain, knee problems, gastric pain, abdominal pain, cardiovascular diseases, post-stroke syndrome, etc. TDP is also used in conjunction with other therapies, including acupuncture, cupping, and topical Chinese medicine.

Advisory note

People with bleeding disorders, fever, severe hypertension, severe diabetes, severe allergic constitution, elderly patients, and those who have just received cupping or bandage removal should be cautious about receiving TDP treatment.