
Cupping is a treatment method that is used to:

  • Relieve myofascial tension, neck, shoulder and backaches
  • Dispel toxins and promote Qi-Blood circulation to aid in the treatment of a variety of conditions ranging from acne, cough to weight-loss
  • Relieve stress and improve general well-being

It involves applying suction to affected areas or acupoints using special cups made of glass or plastic. This suction loosens the soft tissue and increases microcirculation in the area.

Depending on your condition, different cupping techniques may be used:

  1. Stationary cupping: Cups are placed on your body for five to ten minutes
  2. Flash cupping: Cups are quickly placed and removed from the body
  3. Glide cupping: Lubricant is applied to allow cups to glide back and forth on the skin painlessly

Cupping therapy is often complemented with Chinese herbal medication or acupuncture.